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Early Years Foundation Stage

Intent: Why we teach your child in the Early Years and what we teach.

At Goosewell Primary Academy our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is formed of two Reception classes. Our curriculum in EYFS is carefully designed and sequenced using content from Development Matters and the EYFS Statutory Framework. We have planned an ambitious curriculum that teaches the children the skills and knowledge they will need to prepare them for Year 1. The EYFS curriculum is made up of three prime areas and four specific areas.

Prime Areas: 

  • Communication and Language 
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development

Specific Areas: 

  • Literacy 
  • Maths 
  • Understanding the World 
  • Expressive Arts and Design 

Implementation: What our EYFS Curriculum looks like and how we teach it.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced with a focus on early reading and developing children’s communication and language. The children are explicitly taught skills and knowledge linked to each of the prime and specific areas through adult-led lessons. The children have planned, purposeful opportunities to practise these skills and embed this knowledge independently through the classroom provision. The provision for the children to learn is combined of both indoor and outdoor learning. 

We teach through a variety of different topics which are outlined on our curriculum overview. Each topic is centred around core texts that children will read, retell and explore as well as purposefully planned activities in the classroom. 

Impact: How children show that they know and remember more.

In the summer term, at the end of the Reception year, the children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals outlined in the EYFS Statutory Framework. This is based on class teacher knowledge of the children and the learning that has taken place across the year. The children's Mathematics and Literacy books, alongside observations on Tapestry, document the learning that has taken place across the year. 

Contact Us

Goosewell Primary Academy Goosewell Road Plymstock Plymouth PL9 9HD

T: 01752 482960