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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

This term Year 1 are learning about:
Bright Lights. Big City  

Welcome to Year 1 Presentation

Term 4 Spellings Y1

Y1 Common Exception Words list

Supporting Reading at Home Video

Letter Formation Powerpoint

RWI Phonics Groups Order

YouTube Speed Sounds Lesson Schedule

Who will support my learning?

Class Teachers: 1K - Mrs Kimberlee, 1OC - Mrs Oak and Mrs Coombe

HLTA: Ms Woolley

Teaching Assistants: Miss Blatchford, Mrs Dennis, Mrs Longley, and Mrs Phillips

What are the main topics? 

Term 1 & 2- Childhood

Term 3 & 4 - Bright Lights, Big City

Term 5 & 6 - School Days

When do I need my kit?

PE Kit – Wednesday

Games Kit – Friday

Please ensure children wear full PE/Games kit to school on the correct day.

Please see our Uniform page for kit information.

Please ensure all kit is named.

What else do I need to know about Year 1?

  • I will change my reading book each day.
  • I start to join my handwriting.
  • I will have a lot of fun!

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with your child’s class teacher.

When will my homework be set / due in?

Topic- termly home learning ideas sheet will be sent home for children to complete one (or more if they wish) throughout the term.

As the year progresses children will also receive Spelling and Maths homework.

Spellings - 5 Year 1 spellings to be given out each Monday. 

Maths- tasks will be set via MyMaths to be completed online each week.

Reading in Year 1

Children will follow the RWI scheme.  This includes taking a RWI book home each day which links to the learning they have completed in their group.  

When children have progressed through the RWI groups they will move onto Accelerated Reading books.

The children will complete a reading test which will give an AR level.

Children pick their book at their AR level from the library in the KS1 shared area.

When the children have read their book and feel confident to answer questions about the plot, characters and their likes/dislikes they take an AR quiz.

They will then select a new book and repeat the process.

Phonics & fancies RWI workshop for parents/carers 05.05.23

Find our RWI phonics films on our Goosewell YouTube channel. All of the films are organised by the colour of the group and are numbered in the order that they should be watched. One a day.

They can also access Ruth Miskin films on YouTube to practise set 1, 2 and 3 sounds, learn to read red words and practise reading and writing using hold a sentence. All lessons will show at 9.30am each day and then be available for 24 hours. Remember, if your child is in A/B, C, Ditty or Red they need to access set 1 sounds. If they are in green, purple or pink then they need to work through the set 2 sounds and for children in orange, yellow, blue, grey or the reading comprehension group, they need to focus on set 3 sounds.

Please go to the 'Oxford Owl' website to find eBooks that are relevant to your child's age and RWI colour group.

Please keep reading and sharing books at home. It's so important.

If you need help, please email me on and I'll do my best to support you. Kind regards, Mrs Coombe.


Contact Us

Goosewell Primary Academy Goosewell Road Plymstock Plymouth PL9 9HD

T: 01752 482960